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gen. worst; outface; get the upper hand; gain the upper hand (bookworm); come of best (in – в denghu); thresh; up end; score off (над кем-либо); thrash; have it; prevail (SirReal); get the best of it; have better of; make the better of; get the better of; carry; obtain; overcome; win; take the wind of; get the wind of; wrestle
Игорь Миг be on the winning side; eat one's lunch
amer. outargue (в споре; That man could outargue the devil himself. Val_Ships)
fig. outflank (george serebryakov)
idiom. have the upper hand; take the upper hand (Bullfinch)
inf. score off; carry the day (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf., amer. smear
Makarov. up-end (в соревнованиях, конкуренции)
rhetor. come out on top (англ. цитата приводится из статьи в Wall Street Journal Alex_Odeychuk)
sport. overwhelm (Pickman)
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Gruzovik get the best of
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: 26 phrases in 5 subjects
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