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ограничительная мераstresses
busin. restrictive measure
ограничительные меры
gen. restrictive measures; lockdown (в период (действия) ограничительных мер, связанных с распространением коронавирусной инфекции = during/for the duration of the coronavirus lockdown Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг sanctions (Мы приняли к сведению принятие Национальным собранием резолюции, призывающей правительство отменить ограничительные меры, принятые ЕС в отношении России • This paper addresses the so-called "sanctions", in legal language terms referred to as "restrictive measures" (sanctions will be used hereafter for brevity), which the European Union (EU) is imposing on Russia (and Belarus) following the invasion of Ukraine.)
dipl. restriction
econ. limitations; restrictions; rationing measures
law rationing arrangements
law, int.rel. restrictive measures (санкции: Restrictive measures (sanctions) – An essential tool through which the EU can intervene where necessary to prevent conflict or respond to emerging or current crises • This paper addresses the so-called "sanctions", in legal language terms referred to as "restrictive measures" (sanctions will be used hereafter for brevity), which the European Union (EU) is imposing on Russia (and Belarus) following the invasion of Ukraine. europa.eu 'More)
med., epid. restrictive measures (тж. ограничительные мероприятия: Хронология введения ограничительных мер в коронавирус 'More)
mil. constraint measures
ограничительная мера: 24 phrases in 8 subjects
Clinical trial1