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verb | verb | to phrases
обязаться vstresses
gen. oblige; engage; bind oneself; commit oneself to do something (bookworm); make a commitment (Alex Lilo); charge; do someone a favor; do someone a favour; make it incumbent (upon); pledge oneself; pledge (to); bind; make; bind one's self; engage one's self; be engaged; tie one's self up; undertake (to)
Gruzovik pledge oneself (pf of обязываться)
account. undertake
arch. undertake (за кого-либо)
formal be committed to (We are committed to providing equal opportunities in all aspects of employment. – обязуемся ART Vancouver)
inf. be under obligation
law, contr. assume the obligation (Поставщик обязуется .... – The Supplier assumes the obligation to ... ART Vancouver)
Makarov. commit oneself; be under an obligation
notar. obligate
обязать v
gen. bind over; make; bound; undertake; engage; obligate; lay under obligation; lay under an obligation (кого-либо); bind upon (gennier); place someone under an obligation (RomanDM); encharge; indebt; injoin; bind someone by a commitment (кого-либо); bind someone by an obligation (кого-либо); charge; do someone a favor; do someone a favour; make it incumbent (upon); commit; bind; peg down (to; кого-либо сделать что-либо); force (Moscowtran); place under an obligation (Local authorities should be placed under an obligation to complete the work. 4uzhoj); oblige
Gruzovik charge (pf of обязывать); make (pf of обязывать); make it incumbent upon (pf of обязывать); do someone a favor (pf of обязывать)
Игорь Миг order (о суде)
busin., law hold somebody to a promise (кого-либо алешаBG)
dipl. lay under obligation (кого-либо)
law compel (someone to do something; напр., суду надлежит обязать ответчика аннулировать лицензию Leonid Dzhepko); cause (кого-либо – someone напр.: Franchisee undertakes to refrain and cause any of its agents to refrain from... – Франшизополучатель обязуется воздерживаться и обязать каких-либо своих агентов воздерживаться от... Leonid Dzhepko)
Makarov. lay someone under an obligation (кого-либо); make it incumbent; peg down (to; кого-либо сделать что-либо)
patents. oblige
обязавшийся prtc.
law obligated
 Russian thesaurus
обязаться v
law см. тж. обязуется (4uzhoj)
: 87 phrases in 14 subjects
Legal theory / Jurisprudence1
Mass media3
Trade unions1