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auto. turn
dial. eat round
fig. perfect
geol. corrade; wear away
mil. tech. turn
tech. machine
gen. stitch round; whipstitch; overcast
| металл
gen. metal

verb | verb | to phrases
обтачивать vstresses
gen. grind smooth; corrade; to grinde; stitch round; wear away; whipstitch; run (детали одежды); traverse; face; overcast
Gruzovik turn on a lathe (impf of обточить)
auto. turn (на станке); round off
automat. lathe; turn off
construct. turn
dial. bite round; eat round; bite all over
fig. perfect
forestr. true up
Gruzovik, dial. eat round (impf of обточить); bite round (impf of обточить); bite all over (impf of обточить)
Gruzovik, fig. perfect (impf of обточить)
Gruzovik, geol. corrade (impf of обточить); wear away (impf of обточить); grind away (impf of обточить)
Gruzovik, sew. overcast (impf of обтачать); stitch round (impf of обтачать); whipstitch (impf of обтачать)
Gruzovik, tech. machine (impf of обточить)
mil., tech. turn (на токарном станке); rasp
nautic. face across
polygr. grind; smooth
slang wear away (Time and winds have worn off the stones of an old tower. == Время и ветер разрушили камни старой башни.); wear off (Time and winds have worn off the stones of an old tower. == Время и ветер разрушили камни старой башни.)
tech. runstitch; welt; machine; sew around; square (торец)
textile stitch around; pipe (проймы)
wood. turn finish
обтачиваться v
gen. stitch round; whipstitch; overcast
fig. perfect
: 45 phrases in 11 subjects
Automated equipment13
Mechanic engineering7
Rail transport1
Wood processing1