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gen. embrace; neck; spoon; cuddle
austral. slang pash
fig. engulf
inf. lollygag; lallygag; cosy up
slang dark-setting
| и
gen. and
| целоваться
gen. kiss

verb | verb | to phrases
обнимать vstresses
gen. compass; compress; contain; cope; embrace; encircle; incircle; inclip; press; press in one's arms; squeeze; fold smb. in one's arms (кого́-л.); hold smb. in one's arms (кого́-л.); wrap around; hug; clasp; enfold; cuddle; enclasp; fold; girdle; jump; strain; inarm; oxter; bosom; pitch a woo; pitch the woo; take in arms (кого-либо); hold (you holding me tight,theBeatles ,A Hard Day's Night neuro); hold in arms (кого́-л.); jump at (кого-либо); entwine; pull into arms (dendrill); put arms around; arm; embody; embosom
Gruzovik embrace; put one's arms around (impf of обнять); take in one's arms (impf of обнять)
fig. encompass (собой; The broad notion encompasses all the forms of social assistance and social security accessible in a particular society. I. Havkin); engulf; envelope; take in; overcome
geol. include
Gruzovik, fig. envelop (impf of обнять); engulf (impf of обнять); take in (impf of обнять); overcome (impf of обнять)
inf. clinch
Makarov. hold someone in one's arms (кого-либо); imbosom; take someone in one's arms (кого-либо); take someone to one's arms (кого-либо); take someone to one's breast (кого-либо); wind; hold someone close (кого-либо); hold someone tight (кого-либо)
obs. clip; enwheel; prease; enarm
slang guzzle; muzzle
swim. clutch; grasp
uncom. engrasp
обниматься v
gen. embrace (of two people); neck; spoon (особ. на людях); cuddle; hug; hug one another; put arms around; take in arms; embody; canoodle; lock arms
Gruzovik embrace one another (impf of обняться); hug one another (impf of обняться)
amer. french with (someone); страстно обниматься и целоваться с кем-либо Taras)
austral., slang pash
fig. engulf; envelope; take in; overcome
inf. lollygag; lallygag; cosy up (kislitsa)
Makarov. lallygag around with (с кем-либо); pet
Makarov., slang spoon out; spoon up
slang dark-setting; hack
vulg. canoe
обнимаю v
rhetor. hugs (Alex_Odeychuk)
обниматького-либо v
gen. give somebody a hug (Andrey Truhachev)
: 63 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
British usage, not spelling1
Modern use1