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обеспеченное залогом обязательствоstresses
gen. collateralized debt obligation (A collateralized debt obligation is any investment that is backed by a collection of several different assets. Often, this collection of backing assets will include bonds or bank loans that are not classified as mortgages. This arrangement does create a higher degree of risk for the investor, as there is the chance of default on the loans backing the investment. In return for assuming this higher risk, the investor stands a chance of realizing a higher rate of return on the investment. ... While a collateralized debt obligation is usually defined as an investment that is backed by a group of different debts, the term is sometimes employed in a broader manner. In some circles, a collateralized debt obligation is used as a general term to identify any type of collateralized obligation including loans, mortgages, or bonds. wisegeek.com Alexander Demidov); secured obligation (Залог – способ обеспечения исполнения обязательств, при котором кредитор (залогодержатель) имеет право в случае невыполнения должником(залогодателем) обеспеченного залогом обязательства получить удовлетворение своего требования из стоимости заложенного имущества преимущественно перед другими кредиторами, за исключением случаев, предусмотренных законодательством. вики Alexander Demidov)
fin. secured liability (Alexander Matytsin); secured obligation (Alex_Odeychuk)
обеспеченное залогом финансовое обязательство
fin. collateralised liability (Alexander Matytsin); collateralized liability (Alexander Matytsin)
обеспеченное залогом обязательство
: 19 phrases in 5 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2