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adjective | verb | to phrases
обезвреженный adj.stresses
gen. germless; decontaminated (Alexander Demidov)
Gruzovik neutralized; deactivated; disarmed; defused
construct. rendered harmless
fire. inert
Makarov. free from germs
mil. inactive
mil., tech. ineffective
pharma. detoxified (ProtoMolecule)
UN harmless
обезвредить v
gen. neutralize (вооруженного преступника // "The person who took 20 people and a teacher hostage is a student in the upper classes at the same school. He has been neutralised and all the students have been freed," Interior Ministry spokesman Andrei Pilipchuk said on state TV. – The Independent 4uzhoj); scotch; render innocuous; render innoxious; draw teeth (кого-либо); pull teeth; account; defuse (бомбу Anglophile); cripple (Notburga); unarm; decontaminate; detoxify; deactivate (Anglophile); disarm; take down (преступника например driven); neutralize; defang (Баян); sideline (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik decontaminate (pf of обезвреживать); detoxify (pf of обезвреживать)
Игорь Миг fend off; disengage (взрывное у-во)
amer. put out of commission (противника – слэнг Val_Ships); render harmless (что-либо: the bomb was rendered harmless Val_Ships)
comp. degunk (degunk your e-mail – освободите свой е-мейл от спама, е-мейл без спама vikulika)
expl. dispose of; dispose of (explosives: The device was safely disposed of. – ...было обезврежено.)
Makarov. make innocuous; render harmless; render safe; draw the teeth off; draw someone's teeth (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. account for
med., dis. incapacitate (патогенный организм igisheva)
mil. destroy (Notburga)
mil., lingo put out of action (Andrey Truhachev); take out of action (Andrey Truhachev); put hors de combat (Andrey Truhachev); render hors de combat (Andrey Truhachev); take out (immobilize with force 4uzhoj)
: 34 phrases in 12 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Criminal law1
Security systems1