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gen. sniff; nuzzle; smell; snuff
fig. inf. be on the track; sniff out; find out; nose out
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gen. unto
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IT Z line

verb | verb | to phrases
нюхнуть vstresses
gen. sniff; nuzzle; smell (at); snuff
fig., inf. be on the track (of); sniff out; find out (about); nose out
Gruzovik, inf. take a sniff of (semelfactive of нюхать); assimilate (semelfactive of нюхать); learn (semelfactive of нюхать); acquire (semelfactive of нюхать)
inf. learn; assimilate; acquire
нюхнуться v
Gruzovik, inf. sniff one another (semelfactive of нюхаться); smell one another (semelfactive of нюхаться)
inf. sniff; smell one another
inf., fig. associate with
нюхнуть: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1