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Gruzovik, rude not a damn thing (He promised to paint the kitchen while we were gone, but we came back from vacation and saw that he hadn't done a damn thing.)
mil., lingo Fanny Adams (MichaelBurov)
slang diddly (I can tell you, but you won't remember diddly. You're too drunk. Liv Bliss); diddly squat (Lucky those boys don't know diddly-squat about fighting. Liv Bliss); squat (Баян)
vulg. not jack shit (You [don't] know jack shit about politics.); not shit (I don't owe you shit. • You don't know shit about me. • Well, he don't know shit about what's going on here. 4uzhoj); not fuck (с отрицанием: Well you don't know fuck about my family. • The boys don't know fuck about what's going on. 4uzhoj); sweet fuck all (No, we don't do sweet fuck all to "defend your freedoms". • I hope you don't mean the customers, because, darling, they just mean sweet fuck-all to me. Anglophile); sod all (Anglophile); damn all (Юрий Гомон); hell no (в значении "ничего подобного", "как бы не так ", "черта с два" (см. также по этим фразам) 4uzhoj); not a fucking thing (You don't know a fucking thing about me, asshole! • You don't know a fucking thing about what's going on or what the situation is. 4uzhoj); jack all (эвф. к fuck all.: I'm so bored, I have jack all to do. Cloudy); not a bloody thing (Sphex); fuck all (We did fuck all this weekend. • It's not genuine. And it's worth fuck all. • It's been over two weeks and still fuck all. Finally contacted them yesterday and was told they were waiting on stock replenishment. • You're getting fuck all from Santa this year. • There was fuck all else he could have done. • There are fuck all decent pubs around here. • For short of jumping out of here, there's really fuck all I can do about the situation. • There was fuck all else he could have done. • That's fuck all use – Это ни хрена не даст • I know fuck-all about it.); not ... for shit (в значении "совсем не": John can't sing for shit. • I can't hear you for shit. • French bikers are friendly and their cagers are less annoying than British ones, but they still can't park for shit. • Know the face, can't remember the name for shit. 4uzhoj); not by a damn sight (в значении "абсолютно не": Marsellus: What now? Let me tell you what now. Imma call a couple of hard, pipe-hittin' niggas to go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. [to Zed] You hear me talking, hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. Imma get medieval on yo' ass. (Pulp Fiction)); fat fucking chance (в знач. "черта с два": Andi looks to Chris Harrison for help and he's like, fat fucking chance. • I've been trying to get them to correct this shit for like three months. Fat fucking chance. 4uzhoj); fucking nothing (с отрицанием принимает форму anything: Steve doesn't answer, doesn't look away, doesn't do fucking anything, just keeps drilling those big brown eyes straight through him. 4uzhoj); not a damn fucking thing (Honey, you don't owe anyone a damn fucking thing. 4uzhoj)
vulg., brit. bugger all (Anglophile)
Игорь Миг, vulg. not a bit (конт.)
ни хрена
: 33 phrases in 5 subjects