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ни один
 ни один
gen. no one; not anyone; not one; none; neither; never a one
| экзаменатор
gen. moderator
| ни
context. not
| в одном
el. N-to-one
| из
gen. amongst
| экзаменационных
gen. examinational
| сочинений
gen. composition
| не
gen. not
| встречал
gen. meet
| более
gen. anymore
| чудовищных ошибок
 чудовищная ошибка
gen. huge mistake
| че
sport. Los Ches
- only individual words found

to phrases
ни одинstresses
gen. no one (The formula is carefully designed to ensure no one reporter can overpower the ratings.); not anyone; not one; none (he has three daughters, none are (is) married – у него три дочери, ни одна не замужем); neither (из двух); never a one; no; not a single (Lenochkadpr); any (в отрицательных предложениях); not a one; nary a one (tinet.ie Alexander Demidov); not one (sashkomeister)
math. neither of (из двух; the two); either of (из двух); none (из; of); not any
ни одного
gen. none; exactly zero (In a February 2014 report, however, ADHRB found differently; as of the date of publishing, the government had fully implemented exactly zero recommendations, and had only made real perceived progress in two of the 158. Alexander Demidov); no (typist); not a single (kee46); nary (Under harsh fluorescent hangar lights that would make even a brand-new Mercedes appear to have been painted with a broom, Symmetry reveals nary ripple nor flaw. VLZ_58); not a (Demonstrators waved Russian flags – there was not a Ukrainian flag to be seen – and chanted "Russia, Russia, Russia" during the gathering. 4uzhoj)
amer. nary other (I must have it back as I have nary other copy. Val_Ships)
Makarov. none at all
ни одной
amer. nary (копии Val_Ships)
ни один экзаменатор ни в одном из экзаменационных сочинений не встречал более чудовищных ошибок
: 1 phrase in 1 subject