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ни в коем случаеstresses
gen. in no way; not at any price; not on your life!; on no occasion; absolutely (при отрицательном ответе Abysslooker); on no account; by no means (англ. перевод приводится по: Палажченко П.Р. Несистематический словарь-2005. – М.: Р. Валент, 2005; Палажченко П.Р. Мой несистематический словарь (Из записной книжки переводчика). – 6-е изд., стереотипное, – М.: Р. Валент, 2002. Alex_Odeychuk); in no case; nowise; by no manner of means; not on your life; noway; not by a jugful; not by a long chalk; in no form; in no shape; not for the world; not on any account; noways; on under no consideration; on no condition; certainly not (Anglophile); no matter what (Power of this magnitude must never be allowed to fall into the hands of Optimus Prime ... No matter what. Deska); not for Joe; not for Joseph; in no cases (gorbulenko); under any circumstances (gorbulenko); in no instance (a_goryachevsky); in no way (ROGER YOUNG); by any means (4uzhoj); absolutely not (academic.ru Andrey Truhachev); no extent (Баян); in no sense (Abysslooker); leave it out (Abysslooker); thank you (I don't want to live in a slum, thank you YGA); out of the question (TranslationHelp); at no time
amer., slang in a pig's eye; no way
arch. not at any rate
idiom. on no account whatever (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. no fear; under no circumstance (vandaniel); none whatsoever (Val_Ships); never ever (I will never ever leave him. Val_Ships); nothing doing (Andrey Truhachev); big-time no-no (Val_Ships); there is no way (MichaelBurov); not a chance (Andy)
Makarov. in no circumstances; in no event; not by a long shot; not much; on no consideration; under no consideration; by no; not for all the world
math. not in the least
relig. in nowise
relig., lat. Nullatenus ("nowise", сокр. Nultus.)
slang not far from the world
tech. under no circumstances
vulg. not bloody likely; not fucking likely
ни в коем случае!
gen. no way; not on your life!; oh dear no; Absolutely out of the question! (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. not on your nelly!; not for the life of me!
ни в коем случае
: 28 phrases in 8 subjects
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