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ништяк nstresses
inf. goodie ("и пусть ништяков принесет, печенек, там, конфет" :), "you'll have desserts including pumpkin pie and other goodies", "What to do with that leftover bread or in my case, the leftover Quinoa Cornbread? This is an oldie but a goodie.", однако, не всегда goodie может переводиться нашим сленговым "ништяком" (goodie стилистически менее окрашенное слово) и не всегда это может касаться еды kadzeno); uptown ("these shoes are uptown", "this beer is uptown" Andrey Truhachev); windfall (Ying)
slang stylin'! (godsmack1980); cool stuff (ART Vancouver); brilliant (VLZ_58); splendid (VLZ_58); score (Abysslooker); goodies (Mark_y)
ништяк! n
gen. cool!
inf. happy days! (a phrase to say if you're pleased about the current situation askandy); fucking A (Abysslooker)
slang cool running! (tanultorosz); awesome! (Andrey Truhachev)
ништяки n
inf. perks (synth)
slang goodies (Mark_y)
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects