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ничего не иметь противstresses
gen. have no objection (to); have no objections to (Anglophile)
fig.of.sp. have no quarrel with (I have no quarrel with charging ports for electric vehicles being put in city-owned lots. But private builders shouldn't be forced by the city council to spend $1,500 apiece to install these plug-ins as mandating the plug-ins is going to increase the cost of buying a condo still further. ART Vancouver)
formal have no objection to ("My friend turned to the country inspector. "I suppose that you have no objection to my collaborating with you, Mr. Baynes?" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Полагаю, вы ничего не будете иметь против / вы не будете возражать против ... ART Vancouver)
ничего не имею против
gen. I've no problem with that (joyand); sounds like fun (Никита Лисовский)
cliche. I have no problem with that (ART Vancouver)
inf. fine by me (Mirzabaiev Maksym); I don't care if I do
ничего не иметь против
: 33 phrases in 5 subjects
Cliche / convention1