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gen. I can't stand (Andrey Truhachev)
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gen. hate; show a strong dislike for (кого-либо); show a strong dislike of (кого-либо); show a strong dislike to (кого-либо); have a thing about (чего-либо); one won't can't have something, done (чего-либо); cannot do with something; could not do with something; detest; not to bear the sight of (someone – кого-либо Ivan1992); have little patience with/for (VLZ_58); distaste
austral., slang not to have a bar of
Makarov. be unable to bear; have a thing about (someone – кого-либо); resent something (чего-либо)
slang be death on (чего-либо); be death on something (чего-либо)
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gen. used negatively with the dative case and inf. be impatient (to); be unable to wait (to); itch; be eager to (вариант требует замены подлежащего Aly19); be excited (вариант требует замены подлежащего: I'm excited to go there. Shurrka); be longing to (вариант требует замены подлежащего: I'm longing to talk things over. linton); be tempted to (вариант требует замены подлежащего Moscowtran); be itching to (вариант требует замены подлежащего Ying); be bursting to (вариант требует замены подлежащего: Tom was bursting to tell everyone the news. 4uzhoj)
amer. raring to do something (Taras); be raring to do something (The children were raring to get out into the snow; The whole family is raring to go on vacation; She was rarin' to have a bash Taras); raring to go (Taras)
idiom. chomp at the bit (Taras)
inf. be dying to (вариант требует замены подлежащего: I am dying to hear the news. VLZ_58)
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gen. cannot wait (e.g. I cannot wait to see her! natty1610); is excited (требует замены подлежащего: Are you excited to learn more? Не терпится узнать больше? SirReal); be impatient and eager to (There's a time when all young people feel the need for freedom to explore new horizons. They are impatient and eager to discover life. VPK)
cliche. be keen to do something (Todd had been at the Harding party and had driven a friend home; he was keen to get home and sleep. -- не терпелось приехать домой и лечь спать ART Vancouver)
inf. anxious (I'm anxious to see The Last Jedi SirReal)
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: 266 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention2
Contextual meaning1
Figure of speech1
Quotes and aphorisms4
United Kingdom1