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не от мира сегоstresses
gen. weird (Vadim Rouminsky); otherworldly; unworldly; far-out; out of it; starry-eyed; supermundane; theorizer; transmundane; way-out; dreamy; other-worldly; outworldly (Hozyayka_Mednoy_Gory); far out; starry eyed; way out; spacey (boggler); spacy ('More); freak (Alexander Matytsin); of a person from a different world; of a person living in a different world; out of lunch
amer. out to lunch; out to luncheon
bible.term. not of this world (Olga Okuneva)
book. not of this earth (igisheva)
disappr. nerd (Stormy)
euph. out there (strange, very different, particularly odd, crazy: She's definitely a bit out there, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. 4uzhoj)
idiom. out in the left field (Sally is a lot of fun, but she is sort of out in the left field. • What a strange idea. It is really out in the left field. goorun); Johnny Head-in-Air (VLZ_58)
inf. not of this world (= not in a monastery); other-worldly; space cadet (о человеке в состоянии наркотического опьянения); wifty (Many developers appear a tad wifty, perhaps existing in some altered state of consciousness, but this project is in a class by itself." VLZ_58)
Makarov. man in the moon; the man in the moon
proverb have one's head in the clouds
quot.aph. out of this world (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang blue-eyed; high-brow highbrow; out of it; two cans short of a six pack (romoon)
"не от мира сего"
gen. other-worldly
не от мира сего
: 10 phrases in 4 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms1