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gen. play (An area in which hydrocarbon accumulations or prospects of a given type occur. For example the shale gas plays in North America include the Barnett, Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Marcellus, and Woodford, among many others. Outside North America, shale gas potential is being pursued in many parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. slb.com Alexander Demidov)
geol. Total Petroleum System (Mstar); hydrocarbon play (twinkie)
geophys. Oil/Gas play; oil and gas bearing complex (feyana)
O&G petroleum play (НГК MichaelBurov); oil-gas play (НГК MichaelBurov); oil and gas reservoir (Oil and gas reservoir is a subsurface pool of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. A reservoir is a critical component of a complete petroleum system. Посторонним_В); oil and gas play (MichaelBurov); oil&gas play (НГК MichaelBurov); hydrocarbon play (НГК MichaelBurov); play (НГК MichaelBurov)
нефтегазоносный комплекс
: 13 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil and gas10