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неудачник nstresses
gen. failure; unfortunate; dud; misfit; underdog; lame duck; under dog; eight ball; flopperoo; goof-up; might-have-been; never-was; non-achiever; non-starter; Sad Sack; duck; flunkey; wash out; an also ran; luckless man; unfortunate beggar; stoner (Huckaedlo); behind the eight ball; dead duck; lagger (Techie); flop; lemon; outsider (masyona); might have been; non achiever; unlucky creature (Andrey Truhachev); ne'er-do-well (Artjaazz); unlucky fellow; reject; goof up; non starter; busta (человек, который всё портит mancy7); jabronie (Nikolov); disadvantaged (Sergei Aprelikov); could-have-been (xmoffx); jabroni (DrSmith); never-do-well (somebody who'll never do well, no-hoper Taras); looser (A.Rezvov); sore loser (Taras)
adv. ineffectual person
amer. scrub (Look at that scrub thinkin he can holla at me Taras); patsy (Taras); born looser (Taras); fuckup (cnlweb)
amer., inf. flunky
austral. dropkick (вася1191)
austral., slang crookie
chess.term. resigner
cinema failed actor (director)
hockey. hoser (A common Canadian hockey term almost as old as the game itself that means basically, a loser. Derives its meaning from pre-Zamboni games when the losers were in charge of hosing off the ice to refreeze cuts made by the skates. george serebryakov)
inf. also ran; bottom dog; the forgotten man; loser; unlucky devil (Andrey Truhachev); unlucky person (Andrey Truhachev); misadventurer (Andrey Truhachev); deadbeat slouch (Taras); wastoid (Taras); nonstarter (Taras); dead loss (Andrey Truhachev); kaputnik (VLZ_58); kaput (It's a real American tragedy – Wunderkind at twenty, Ubermensch at thirty, kaput at forty. – Вот настоящая американская трагедия – вундеркинд в двадцать лет, сверхчеловек в тридцать, неудачник в сорок. VLZ_58)
jarg. broke-ass (Poe was, for a good portion of his career, a broke-ass freelancer. grailmail)
lit. Jonah
Makarov. a fallen sparrow; fallen sparrow; a flash in the pan
Makarov., inf. the underdog
rude candy ass (VLZ_58)
slang sack; champ; dead pigeon; floperoo; foul ball; goof; never-wuzzer; retread; schlemiel; screw-up; slob; square peg; wash-out; washout; sucker (Secretary); hacker (Interex); mortadella (итал. амер. С. Г. Чадов); wimp (Interex); dewdropper (Taras); dead-ender (В смысле: тот, кто дальше не продвинется по служебной/карьерной лестнице или вообще в жизни P68); never-wuz; scruff-bag (Pigalle); deadleg (VLZ_58)
univer., jarg. wooden spoon
vulg. fuck-up; scrote (букв. сокр. от scrotum – мошонка: Unless you get your shit together, scrote, I'll be the one in our family who has to grow a pair Taras)
неудачники n
gen. failed human beings (Alex_Odeychuk)
sport. also-rans
в нек. контекстах неудачник n
gen. loser (Tanya Gesse)
: 99 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Humorous / Jocular1
Military lingo1
Sex and sexual subcultures1