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нематериальные активы
 нематериальные активы
account. fictitious asset; soft assets; invisible assets
EBRD non-inventory property; non-material assets
econ. fictitious assets; intangible property; intangible assets
org.crime. incorporeal assets
 нематериальный актив
gen. invisible asset
| деятельности
gen. agency

to phrases
нематериальные активыstresses
gen. goodwill (гудвиль)
account. fictitious asset (патенты, торговые марки); soft assets (intangibles Peppi1982); invisible assets (syn: intangible assets: something that a company has and that benefits it but does not exist physically, for example a brand or the company's reputation. 'More); nominal assets (активы, не имеющие физической формы: права на объекты интеллектуальной (промышленной) собственности, патенты, лицензии, товарные знаки, знаки обслуживания, иные аналогичные права, деловая репутация организации Alex_Odeychuk); intangible assets (НМА – goodwill, patent, trademarks (гудвилл, патент, товарный знак); название одной из статей в форме баланса компании (Balance Sheet formats); противоположный термин: tangible assets – материальные активы)
agric. intangible assets (акции, облигации, патенты, торговые знаки и т. п.)
comp., MS intangible fixed asset (A non-physical fixed asset that a company uses to conduct its business)
EBRD non-inventory property; non-material assets
econ. fictitious assets (патенты, торговые марки); intangible property (напр., репутация фирмы); intangible assets (неосязаемые); intangible assets; intangibles (хорошая репутация фирмы и т.п.)
org.crime. incorporeal assets
нематериальный актив
gen. invisible asset (An asset that can neither be seen nor touched. The most common of these are competencies, market power, goodwill, patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Goodwillis probably the most intangible and invisible of all assets as no document provides evidence of its existence and its commercial value is difficult to determine. However, it frequently does have very substantial value as the capitalized value of future profits, not attributable purely to the return on tangible assets. While goodwill is called either an intangible asset or an invisible asset, such items as insurance policies and less tangible overseas investments are usually called invisible assets. Intangible assets are increasingly seen as the key to competitive advantage and the market value of a firm. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
audit. intangible asset
bank. fixed intangible asset; intangible fixed asset
нематериальные активы
: 76 phrases in 14 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
International Monetary Fund2
Law enforcement1
SAP finance2