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неинтересный adj.stresses
gen. arid; jejune; uninteresting; dead; dry; dusty; sapless; slow (Syn: boring ssn); stuffy; tame; trifling; unamusing; unappetizing; uninspiring; prosy; dry as a chip; commonplace (о человеке); vapid; unexciting (Anglophile); dull (skeptiks); not someone's kind of thing (fantasy is not my thing wandervoegel); languid (Aly19); plain looking (о внешности: She's chunky and rather plain looking. ART Vancouver); unstimulating (Blueish); incurious; unreadable (для чтения); rebarbative; mundane (joyand); savourless; savorless (Супру); pallid (VLZ_58); prosaic (kee46); plain; prosaical; for birds
archit. bland character (Handy transit. Intense street traffic. Convenient shopping and services. But bland character, at least so far. That about sums up the verdict of people interviewed who live and work at the dense glass-and-steel highrise hub that has shot up in the past eight years at the congested intersection of Vancouver’s Cambie Street and SW Marine Drive. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
austral., slang not much cop
fig. insipid
idiom. blow chunks (Interex)
inf. unattractive
Makarov. flat; unanimated
obs. prosal; unaffecting; unamusive
sl., teen. square (Исторически произошло от человека, чья цель в жизни — иметь три "квадрата" в день – работу, дом, 2,5 детей и т. д: He's a square, he won't dance. urbandictionary.com Santiago)
slang blah; gummy; wonk
: 57 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Journalism terminology1
Mass media1