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недотроги nstresses
gen. ice maidens (a beautiful but aloof woman. CED. pejorative. A coolly composed, unemotional woman; a woman without affection or warmth of feeling. I don't know how Janet can go out with an ice maiden like Mary. Many see the prime minister as some kind of ice maiden, but I think she's just being as tough as she needs to be. TFD. A girl who acts cold hearted and bitchy towards all guys. Which sometimes is a turn-on for guys looking for a challenge or can be intimidating for guys who can't handle her personality. Ice maiden are also girls who believe they are the elite. They often are mistaken to not have a heart, but their icy exterior hides their sweet, caring side. Ice maidens are generally hot girls who are misunderstood with their outside persona. To put a ice maiden in her place say something like this: "That ice maiden shit might intimidate the hell out of some guys, but it doesn't mean shit to me." UD Alexander Demidov)
biol. nolid moths (Nolidae)
entomol. black arches (лат. Nolidae); nolid moths (лат. Nolidae); arches (Nolidae)
entomol., lat. Nolidae
недотрога n
gen. touch-me-not (flower); prude; wrapped in cellophane; touch me not; ice maiden ("Is Gilberte a flirt, or an ice maiden, or a worthy object of reverence? She is all three, depending on who you are, and what you want." – The New Yorker Magazine, 2000 ART Vancouver); touchy (Vadim Rouminsky); humble plant (растение)
biol. snapweed (Impatiens)
bion. titi (трава Юлиан)
bot. balsam (Impatiens); quick-in-the-hand (Impatiens); impatience (MichaelBurov); busy Lizzie (MichaelBurov); Impatiens noli-tangere (MichaelBurov); Impatiens occidentalis Rydb. (MichaelBurov); Impatiens komarovii Pobed. (MichaelBurov); yellow balsam (MichaelBurov); biggoty lady (MichaelBurov); quick-in-hand (MichaelBurov); old-woman's-purse (MichaelBurov); impatiens (MichaelBurov); touch-me-not (Impatiens noli-tangere); Brazilian Mimosa (Mimosa humilis Aly19); sensitive; snapweed
Gruzovik, inf. touchy person (masc and fem; person who tends to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive person)
inf. hard to get (Побеdа)
lat. noli me tangere (букв.: не прикасайся ко мне)
lat., bible.term., bot. noli me tangere (Impatiens gen.)
vulg. Lady Nevershit; alreet gal (см. all right); slow girl; slowie; tight-ass (о женщине igisheva)
 Russian thesaurus
недотрога n
gen. род главным образом травянистых растений семейства бальзаминовых. Плоды недотроги активно разбрасывают семена, с треском раскрываясь от малейшего прикосновения отсюда название. Ок. 450 видов, преимущественно в тропических Азии и Африке. Некоторые недотроги - декоративные растения. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 75 phrases in 10 subjects