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verb | verb | to phrases
натаскивать vstresses
gen. prime; drill; bring by portions; drag (in); lay (a quantity of); lug up (a quantity of); train (dogs to hunt); school (в какой-либо области); enure; cram; school (He is well schooled in languages. – Он хорошо знает языки. VLZ_58); bring; store; steal (a quantity of something)
Gruzovik bring a quantity of; drag in a quantity of (impf of натаскать); lay a quantity of (impf of натаскать); lug up a quantity of (impf of натаскать); bring by portions (impf of натаскать)
agric. train (a dog)
biol. train (собаку)
fig., inf. coach
Gruzovik, hunt. train dogs to hunt (impf of натаскать)
Gruzovik, inf. hook a quantity of (impf of натаскать); fish out a quantity of (impf of натаскать); steal a quantity of (impf of натаскать); pilfer a quantity of (impf of натаскать); pull over/on (impf of натащить)
inf. fish out (a quantity of); hook; pilfer (a quantity of); steal; pull (over, on); prep (Teachers spent the week prepping students for the test. VLZ_58); teach (Abysslooker); cull; drag up (from various sources); teach (quickly or superficially); pull on (an item of clothing); pull over
law coach
Makarov. point (к соревнованиям; кого-либо)
натаскиваться v
gen. cram; train (dogs to hunt)
fig., inf. coach
inf. pull (over, on)
"натаскивать" v
law coach
натаскивают: 30 phrases in 5 subjects
Dog breeding1