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настороженный prtc.stresses
gen. cautious (Abysslooker); apprehensive (apprehensive for her health • I was apprehensive that something would go wrong vogeler); wary (насторо́женный Abysslooker)
насторожённый prtc.
gen. alert; wary; arrect; heads-up; prick-eared; uptight; apprehensive (Alex_Odeychuk); suspicious (MargeWebley); heads up; prick eared; awake; self-conscious (yhw); guarded; self-conscious (totally unself-conscious – совершенно расслабленный и уверенный в себе yhw)
Gruzovik alert (= насторо́женный); watchful (= насторо́женный); guarded; suspicious (= насторо́женный)
Игорь Миг skittish
amer. stiff and wary (stiff and wary greeting Val_Ships); guarded (We view these changes with guarded optimism. Val_Ships)
biol. shy
dog. vigilant
fish.farm. set (dimock)
inf. hinky (крим. Taras)
Makarov. bright; circumspect
poetic listening
psychol. watchful
насторожиться v
gen. look about; cock one's ears; cock up one's ears; keep one's ears open; prick up ears; grow suspicious (at something q3mi4); cock the ears; sit up and take notice (Anglophile); grow wary (Andrew Goff); become concerned or alarmed (Andrew Goff); be on the alert (linton); raise a red flag (And always remember that if a plan promises you'll get rich quick with no risk or doesn't tell you how your money will be invested, you should raise a red flag and exercise caution before getting on board. 4uzhoj); alert; become alert; set (a trap); stand upon guard; cock; prick up one's ears
Gruzovik prick up one's ears; stand upon one's guard (pf of настораживаться)
fig. awake; awaken
idiom. put up one's guard (VLZ_58)
Makarov. grow circumspect; cock one's ears; cock up one's ears; keep one's ears open; grow suspicious
насторожить v
gen. make someone apprehensive; put on one's guard; put on the alert (кого-либо); strike a warning note; put someone on one's guard (bookworm); set (a trap); alarm; nag (sever_korrespondent)
Gruzovik alert (pf of настораживать)
Игорь Миг set off alarm bells
cliche. get sb's attention (That got my attention. – Это меня насторожило. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, hunt. set a trap (pf of настораживать)
idiom. raise red flags (For example, a translator or interpreter resume that lists 20 or more areas of specialization and 50 Fortune 500 clients raises red flags. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. put someone on her guard (кого-либо); put someone on his guard (кого-либо); set someone on the alert (кого-либо)
: 31 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
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