gen. |
attire; dress; assignment; detachment; fatigue; array; garb; detail; rig; order; fig; livery; vest; tour of duty (вахта); vestment; work sheet; finery; WSO (Work Service Order Redrum-wt); get-up; garment (одежда Mira_G); work package (рабочее задание); a work sheet; outfit (As a result, the traditional party outfit of flamboyant cravat and tweed jacket has been replaced by the ninety-nine-pound wool suit.); costume; warrant; commission; trim; job order (a written order to a worker or group of workers to perform a certain job. RHWD Alexander Demidov); Alphet (Sadam); raiment (VLZ_58); detail (полиции, военнослужащих и т.п.)); attiring; disguise; dressing; fit; ornament; parade; plight; tire; toilet; toilette; trappings; trickery; tricking; trimming; set out |
Игорь Миг |
traffic police patrol (конт. = машина ДПС выехала по вызову) |
book. |
caparison |
construct. |
job specification; job order (на выполнение строительных работ); job order |
econ. |
order (задание) |
fash. |
look (andreevna) |
fig. |
feather |
fin. |
delivery order; requisition |
foreig.aff. |
allocation |
Gruzovik, cloth. |
costume |
Gruzovik, hist. |
artillery |
Gruzovik, law |
warrant |
Gruzovik, logist. |
indent (документ на выдачу, получение товаров, грузов, и т.п.) |
Gruzovik, mil. |
duty detail (воинское подразделение или военизированная группа, несущая внутреннюю или караульную службу) |
humor. |
plumage |
inf. |
set-out; getup (a set of clothes, especially strange or unusual clothes chronik) |
mil. |
duty; slug; squad (полиции и т.п.); duty detail; party; working detail (Taras) |
mil., inf. |
gang |
mil., lingo |
police (MichaelBurov); KP duty (на кухне, сокр. от "kitchen patrol / kitchen police" // en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KP_duty 4uzhoj); mess duty (на кухне 4uzhoj); fatigue duty (нестроевой 4uzhoj); guard duty (тумбочка 4uzhoj); GI party (MichaelBurov) |
mil., tech. |
team (на работу) |
mil., WMD |
work order (A work order or job order (sometimes job ticket or work ticket, as it often has some type of ticket attached) is an order received by an organization from a customer or client, or an order created internally within the organization. A work order may be for products or services. In a manufacturing environment, a work order is converted from a sales order to show that work is about to begin on the manufacture, building or engineering of the products requested by the customer. In a service environment, a work order can be equivalent to a service order where the WO records the location, date and time the service is carried out and the nature of work that is done. The type of personnel (e.g. job position) may also be listed on the WO. A rate (e.g. $/hr, $/week) and also the total amount of hours worked and total value is also shown on the work order. A work order may be a maintenance or repair request from students, faculty or staff in a university. WK Alexander Demidov) |
mining. |
task |
nautic. |
equipage |
obs. |
guise; ornature; palliament |
police |
response team (в знач. "группа реагирования" (в фразах типа "выслать наряд") 4uzhoj) |
railw. |
detail for duty; roster |
SAP. |
time tkt |
sec.sys. |
detail (напр., полиции) |
slang |
rig (обычно эксцентричный); rig-out (обычно эксцентричный) |
subl. |
apparel |
tech. |
job (рабочий); tour; time ticket; work package |
textile |
rigging |
torped. |
order (поручение); warrant (документ) |
cloth. |
dressy clothes (Alex Lilo); smart clothes (Alex Lilo); elegant clothes (Alex Lilo); attire (Alex Lilo); apparel (Alex Lilo); fine clothes (Alex Lilo); fineries (Alex Lilo); livery (Alex Lilo) |
gen. |
raggery; trappings; rigging (женские) |
Игорь Миг |
fancy outfit |
amer., inf. |
flubdub |
contempt. |
furbelows |
mil. |
concentration (сил, средств и т. п., т. е. – количество и качество выделенного для решения той или иной задачи Vadim Rouminsky) |
Russian thesaurus |
gen. |
подразделение, группа военнослужащих в воинской части, на корабле и в гарнизоне, назначаемые для несения внутренней, караульной или гарнизонной службы или для выполнения хозяйственных и других работ. Наряд назначается обычно на сутки. Большой Энциклопедический словарь |