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phys. tensile
tech. tensible
gen. tauten; strain; stretch; tighten; travail; tense
| арматурный канат
 арматурный канат
tech. PSC strand

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
напрягать vstresses
gen. string up (нервы и т. п.); task; bend (мысли, внимание и т. п.); strain; stretch (нерв, зрение, ум); tauten; tense; tension; toughen; hassle (Franka_LV); string up (нервы и т.п.); pressure (cognachennessy); lay out (силы В.И.Макаров); rack (В.И.Макаров); tighten; bend to (мысли, внимание и т. п. В.И.Макаров); put forth (В.И.Макаров); put in (силы В.И.Макаров); string up (В.И.Макаров); tighten up (В.И.Макаров); put forth (силы); force; string; knit (силы В.И.Макаров); flex (мышцы kidding); put pressure on (That puts a lot of pressure on people. Elena_MKK)
biol. exert
construct. stretch; subject to stress
el. stress
shipb. fatigue; try
slang stress out (he stresses me out Maria Klavdieva); be too annoying (4uzhoj); bother (arturmoz); faze (Skyer); bug (VLZ_58); get on someone's mind (кого-либо: "Of course, you want to score every game, and when you don't score for a long period of time, it gets on your mind a little bit," Nylander said. VLZ_58); get hard on someone's ears (You going "daddy daddy" is getting hard on the ears. 4uzhoj); exercise (т.е. доставлять хлопоты кому-либо Tracer); give a headache (Abysslooker); get to (This job’s really getting to me. 4uzhoj)
slang, vulg. fuck with (someone – кого-либо changeview1)
tech. tension (арматуру); induce stress; stress (механическое)
напрягаться v
gen. tauten; strain; stretch; tighten; travail; tense; strain oneself; get nervous (triumfov); set (о мускулах); toughen; pay great pains (Ivan1992); go out; hump (VLZ_58); bear down (VLZ_58); go out of one's way to (You didn't exactly go out of your way to help me, did you? VadZ); step up one's game (для достижения хорошего результата: I have to step up my game if I want to keep the job vogeler); heaving; become taut
Gruzovik become tense (impf of напрячься); exert oneself
Игорь Миг futz around
amer. rack one's brains (Don't rack your brains! Val_Ships)
idiom. strain one's muscles (to achieve something ART Vancouver)
inf. agonize over something (неформ.; по поводу ч.-либо just_green); put oneself to some bother (Andrey Truhachev); stretch myself (упорно стремиться к чему-то, упорно заниматься чем-то // The Guardian, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. heave (при рвоте); extend oneself; tighten up
mech. stiffen
nautic. grow (говоря о канате)
sport. make an effort
напрягающийся prtc.
chem. stiffening; straining
напрягаемый adj.
phys. tensile
tech. tensible
относительная напрягать v
mech.eng. strain
: 231 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Bridge construction8
Mechanic engineering1
Obsolete / dated4
Road works4