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gen. directional; groundward; sunward; aimed at; in shore; outright
comp. directed
| расположенный по
 расположить по
gen. sort by
| радиусу
gen. radius
| лучевой
gen. radial
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
направить vstresses
gen. order (to be ordered abroad – быть направленным за границу); run; fasten upon; set at work (дело); tilt; direct (one’s gaze); dispatch (a letter, greetings, etc.); refer (to a doctor, lawyer, etc.); send; assign; detach; forward; guide; address; bend; govern; order (to be ordered abroad – быть направленным за границу; to order somebody out of the country – выслать кого-либо за пределы страны); point (a weapon); set; steer; send to (Lavrov); adjust; aim (at); collimate; level (at); sharpen; strop; apply (энергию и т.п.); fix (внимание, взор); incline; pilot; relegate; navigate; put; head (toward); train (on – на; орудие, объектив и т. д.: Like they were centuries ago, the cannons here are trained on the cathedral. • An Israeli tank trained its gun on the Lebanese Army position of Tall al-Ghaba'in. 4uzhoj); dispatch (The U.S. dispatched the head of the intelligence agency to Berlin and Kyiv as part of its efforts to convince European nations to rally around a tougher response against Moscow and in support of Ukraine, an approach that is complicated by the countries' closer economic ties with Russia. (wsj.com) • U.S. State Department and Treasury officials were dispatched in recent weeks to European capitals to lay the groundwork for coordinated sanctions, according to American officials familiar with the matter. Meanwhile, U.S. defense officials have been dispatched to Kyiv in the wake of Reznikov's visit to assess the country's air defense needs, the Ukrainian defense official said. foreignpolicy.com 4uzhoj); re-direct (в какую-л. сторону: It is a very sobering view of the direction in which some individuals appear to be trying to re-direct the world. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik turn to (pf of направлять); head toward (pf of направлять); aim at (pf of направлять); level at (pf of направлять); adjust (pf of направлять); collimate (pf of направлять); sharpen (pf of направлять); strop (pf of направлять); direct to/at
Игорь Миг field
amer. deploy (Two scientists were deployed to study the problem. Val_Ships)
astronaut. aim; course
book. shepherd (MichaelBurov)
brit. second (/sɪˈkɒnd/) to send an employee to work somewhere else temporarily, either to increase the number of workers or to replace other workers, or to exchange experience or skills: He was seconded to General HQ. • Each institution provided academic staff who were seconded on a half time basis for one year. 4uzhoj)
busin. supply (something to someone / someone with something: The Seller will supply to the Buyer the necessary claim form. 4uzhoj)
cinema point at (на кого-л. Andrey Truhachev); point (камеру; at Andrey Truhachev)
goldmin. forward to (Leonid Dzhepko)
Gruzovik, inf. teach (pf of направлять); educate (pf of направлять)
Gruzovik, radio beam (pf of направлять)
inf. educate; teach
law issue (Alexander Matytsin); submit (на рассмотрение OLGA P.)
Makarov. point at (мысли на что-либо)
math. channel; focus (on); lead; turn
mil. route; post (4uzhoj); zero in on
speed.skat. direct
sport. angle (шайбу: At 18:28, Bodunov took a pass from Anisin and angled it over Esposito's right shoulder. VLZ_58); set a direction (NavigatorOk)
tech. sway
направиться v
направиться к; направиться в
gen. go; head for; destine (we are destined for Moscow – мы направляемся в Москву); repair; strike; strike into; make way to (куда-либо); make way towards (куда-либо); make a move toward (броситься, к кому-либо, чему-либо); make for (двигаться в какую-либо сторону); adjust; aim (at); collimate; direct (to, at); get under way; level (at); make (for); make way (into, to, towards); refer; route; send; set; sharpen; strop; fall; strike out (VLZ_58); turn (to); home in on (к чему-либо; She came into the room and homed in on the chocolate cake. Val_Ships); head off; head over (somewhere, for something, etc.: The gateway into the corridor appeared, and he headed over that way. 4uzhoj); direct steps (куда-либо – into/to/towards); turn steps (куда-либо); head (I took a full turn and headed that way.); put out; be headed for; be bound for
Gruzovik make one's way into/to/towards (pf of направляться); make for (pf of направляться); get underway (pf of направляться)
Gruzovik, inf. go right (pf of направляться)
idiom. make tracks for (куда-либо: The cowboys all made tracks for the chuck wagon.)
inf. become settled; educate; go right; teach
Makarov. make for (к, на); take in
slang throw bones somewhere (в какой-нибуль ресторан, бар и т.д. VLZ_58)
направленный adj.
gen. directional; groundward; sunward; aimed at (на достижение чего либо, цели Cabernet-Sauvignon); in shore; outright; designed (ФЫРка); beamed (о луче); ducted; sidewards; up-river; intent (Notburga); up river; aimed (rules aimed at – нормы, направленные на Stas-Soleil); intended (Stas-Soleil); purporting (на что-либо – to do something Ремедиос_П); purposive (Sergei Aprelikov); bent; purposeful; radio directional
Gruzovik set; headed; orientational
astr. directional (об антенне)
avia. channeled
biol. directive; targeted (напр., об антителе I. Havkin)
busin. forwarded; targeted (TermCommittee)
comp. directed
construct. running
garden., Makarov. trained
Makarov. pin-point; upset; in; unidirectional
math. handed; oriented; vectored
media. aspect-sensitive; directional (указывающий определённое направление)
mil. oriented (на что-л.)
mil., avia. point-to-point
oil controlled-angle
phys. directivity
R&D. target-specific (напр., о действии igisheva)
relig. pointed
SAP.tech. one-way
куда-либо направиться v
Makarov. turn steps; direct one's steps
направленная adj.
mil. beam communications (радиосвязь); beam communication (радиосвязь)
направлено на adv.
gen. gear around smth. (Everything is geared around sitting, it's organised towards that paricular activity. dossoulle)
направить объектив, микрофон, свет v
cinema point the lens, mike, light at smb. (на кого-л.)
направлен adj.
math. is directed
направленный, расположенный по
: 1 phrase in 1 subject