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gen. attacker (She didn't really see her attacker. – Она на самом деле не видела нападавшего. TarasZ)
law assailant (источник – clck.ru dimock)
нападать v
gen. fall on; hit on; come across; strike; gang; stab; oppugn; fall to; fall upon; lace into; pitch into; round on (на кого-либо); round upon (на кого-либо); set at; strike at; down; infest; invade; molest (на прохожих); lunge; be down on (на кого-либо); have a down on (на кого-либо); have a tilt at (на кого-либо); storm at (на кого-либо); make a dead set at (на кого-либо); make a dead-set; assume the aggressive; get at (на кого-либо); hate on smt (akimboesenko); carry out an attack; carry out on (на что-либо); lash back against (на кого-либо в ответ на какие-либо действия); make an assault on (на что-либо); make an attack; hawk; make for; turn on; assault; come on; fall foul of; fly at; fly on; fly upon; come round; harass (Taras); overcome; assail; knock; light; tee off; be on to (на чей-либо след); descend (on/upon); come around; take; wash over (Shock and embarrassment washed over him. VLZ_58); have a go (to have a go at someone Vadim Rouminsky); aggress; bear down; aggress; be down on (someone); набрасываться, на кого-либо); be on to (someone); на чей-л след); beset; lay to; lift up the hand; offer attack; overflow; reflect; set upon; tackle to; thrust; do violence to one; offer violence to one; drive; run across; come up with; hit upon (an idea); attack him for his ideas (them for their actions, her for her behaviour, etc.); come (over); fall (in large quantities; of fruit, snow, etc); grip; hit (on, upon); seize; stumble on; attack (атаковать); criticise; hustle (в споре и т.п.); impinge; lambaste (словесно); lash; make (на кого-либо); pass (фехтование); rip (на кого-либо); round (на кого-либо); slangwhang; launch oneself (VLZ_58); jump at (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik fall in large quantities – of rain, snow, etc (напа́дать; pf of напада́ть, напасть); come upon/across (напада́ть; impf of напасть); stumble on (напа́дать; pf of напада́ть); hit on/upon (напа́дать; pf of напада́ть); seize (напа́дать; pf of напада́ть); grip (напа́дать; pf of напада́ть)
Игорь Миг lash out; attack verbally
agric. attack (о саранче – What is a locust attack/invasion/plague. When the locusts start attacking crops and thereby destroy the entire agricultural economy, it is referred to as locust plague/locust invasion. Plagues of locusts have devastated societies since the Pharaohs led ancient Egypt, and they still wreak havoc today.: В Китае всенародное бедствие – на плодородные равнины напали полчища саранчи. • Саранча атакует: на Кубани выявили 89 очагов заражения опасным вредителем .)
amer. whale on (Taras); take a run at (Taras)
amer., inf. strongarm (на кого-либо)
amer., slang hit
austral., slang lay into; put in the boot; take to
avia. raid
biol. attack
box. rush
brit. have a go at (The press is having a go at the Prime Minister. 4uzhoj)
busin. attack (smb, на кого-л.)
dipl., amer., jarg. blast
fenc. pass; bring to pass
fig. take a pot shot (на кого-либо; at someone/something Andrey Truhachev); take a potshot (на кого-либо; at someone/something Andrey Truhachev)
fig., inf. plague
Gruzovik, mil. attack (impf of напасть)
inf. set about; wade in (Acruxia); go at (Надежда Романова); of a feeling come over; fall (in large quantities); misfortune; pitch (на кого-либо)
Makarov. abuse; accumulate; charge; criticize; encounter; fall on someone, something (на кого-либо, что-либо); fall upon someone, something (на кого-либо, что-либо); find; find fault (with); run into; spring on (someone – на кого-либо); spring upon (someone – на кого-либо); come against (на кого-либо); come at (на кого-либо что-либо); come over; fall on (на кого-либо что-либо); fall upon (на кого-либо что-либо); have a dab at (на кого-либо); make a dab at (на кого-либо); hurtle (в споре и т.п.); fall (on, out); bear down (on; на кого-либо); bear down on; bear down upon; come down on, upon; come upon; down on; down upon; jump on; jump upon; lash at; lash into; lay about; press an attack; set on; strike at (с критикой, руганью); take the aggressive; turn against; fall out; turn upon
Makarov., inf. drop across (на кого-либо); drop on (на кого-либо); drop upon (на кого-либо); be at someone; go at; lace into (на кого-либо); pitch into (на кого-либо; демонстрируя агрессивное поведение)
mil. stand on the offensive; bear down (on; на)
obs. undertake; fall on board of (переносный смысл Bobrovska)
slang lay into (The two kick box fighters laid into each other as soon as bell rang. = Как только прозвучал гонг, два кикбоксёра сошлись в поединке.)
torped. onslaught
vulg. stomp on
into нападать v
inf. lace
неожиданно нападать v
mil. spring upon
: 214 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Armored vehicles1
Bookish / literary1
Explanatory translation1
Grass hockey2
Humorous / Jocular1
Mass media1
Obsolete / dated1
Vernacular language4