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verb | verb | to phrases
надуваться vstresses
gen. bag (о парусах); belly; distend; inflate (от важности); swell; belly out; balloon (о парусах); puff up; puff out; blow up; fill out (о парусах); carry (by the blowing of wind); blow; swell out; bloat; bring; bump up; fill (о парусе); fuff; huff; intumesce; puff; be inflatable; become inflated; puff up one’s cheeks
Gruzovik swell out (impf of надуться)
anim.husb. shoot the red (об индюке)
auto. bunt
fig., inf. tb sulk; be puffed up; pout; get a swelled head
Gruzovik, fig. sulk (impf of надуться); be puffed up (impf of надуться); pout (impf of надуться)
Gruzovik, inf. drink too much (impf of надуться)
inf. bamboozle; swindle; cheat; drink too much; dupe; become swollen
Makarov. bloat out; swell up
mech.eng., obs. inflate
slang get the spike
надувать v
gen. belly; bilk; blown; bombast; cony catch; crossbite; cully; fill (паруса); fuff; huff; palter; play the fool with one (кого-л.); reach; sufflate; wile; play the jack with (sb., кого-л.); inflate (живот); swell; drift; blow; dupe; distend; bamboozle; jockey; chisel; swindle; puff; queer; con; humbug; juggle; pigeon; puff out; gazump; huffle; balloon; blow out (щеки и т.п. Yuriy83); bob; hoax; hocus-pocus; ream; blow up (шину и т.п.); take in; have on toast (кого-либо); play jack with (кого-либо); bunco; hornswoggle; bag (ся); cheat; practise upon (кого-либо); wipe another's nose; come the old soldier over (кого-либо); hood wink (MichaelBurov); hood-wink (MichaelBurov); trick; pout; beat; put across; duff; fob off (someone – кого-либо) поддельной вещью, ложными обещаниями и т. п.); wipe someone's nose (кого-либо); carry (by the blowing of wind); befool; bosh; chouse (кого-либо); fleece; fool (кого-л.); gull; intrigue; niggle; wrong; defraud; bring; delude; put (кого-либо)
Gruzovik blow by the blowing of wind (impf of надуть); bring by the blowing of wind (impf of надуть); carry by the blowing of wind (impf of надуть)
amer. financier; clip (сниж.)
amer., inf. gouge
amer., slang two-time
arch. banter; fub
austral., slang screw; take for a ride; suck in
biol. inflate (ся)
construct. inflate
dial., obs. hove
dipl., inf. dish
econ. hoodwink
inf. rip someone off (I can't believe how the car dealerships try to rip off their customers. 4uzhoj); double-cross; rook (MichaelBurov); be affected (by sitting in a draft); cod; diddle; do; sell; sting; finagle; hum; confidence trick; do down; carve up; nick; kid; have on; pigeon (редк MichaelBurov); middle; stick; hustle (MichaelBurov); rig (MichaelBurov); gyp (MichaelBurov); rogue (MichaelBurov); deceive (MichaelBurov); quack (MichaelBurov); put across (кого-либо)
inf., amer. job; beat (мошенничать)
inf., dial. doodle
Makarov. bloat; plant; sell a gold brick; wind; fob off on (кого-либо поддельной вещью ложными обещаниями и т. п.); fob off with (кого-либо поддельной вещью ложными обещаниями и т. п.); fill out; blow out; blow up (шину и т. п.); come the paddy over; play a trick on (someone – кого-либо); play false; play someone for a sucker; puff up; put over (кого-либо); ream out; sell a goldbrick; swell out; swell up; take in (обманывать); wipe someone's nose (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. carve up; fob off; let in; trick confidence
Makarov., nonstand. do in the eye (кого-либо)
Makarov., obs. throw someone over a bridge
Makarov., slang do to down
nonstand. skin (кого-либо)
obs. bombastry; bumbard; bumbast; cozen; fob; play upon advantage (Bobrovska); sell someone a bargain (кого-либо Bobrovska); bubble; sharp
publ.util. inflate (напр., паровоздушный манекен)
rude frig (кого-либо MichaelBurov)
slang phenagle; carve; fiddle; finnigle; shuck; snooker; yentz; pull a fast one on (someone); gag; spoof; bam; hype; do over
sport, bask. inflate (мяч)
tech. blow up; fill with air
vernac. mace
надувала v
gen. diddler
Gruzovik, inf. swindler (masc and fem); cheat (masc and fem)
inf. trickster (schnuller); swindler
slang yentzer
надувало v
gen. cozener
: 80 phrases in 19 subjects
Cycling other than sport1
Figure of speech4
Mass media1
Road works1