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надземные сооруженияstresses
construct. utilidor (коробы, коллекторы для прокладки инженерных коммуникаций в районах Крайнего Севера; an aboveground, insulated network of pipes and cables, used to convey water and electricity in communities situated in areas of permafrost. RHWD. (Proprietary name for) a system of enclosed conduits used esp. for carrying water and sewerage in regions of permafrost. SOED. (Canadian) an enclosed and insulated conduit for sewage and other utilities placed above the level of permafrost. Collins Alexander Demidov)
O&G, casp. above ground installation (Yeldar Azanbayev)
надземное сооружение
mil., tech. overhead construction; overhead structure
railw. elevated structure
tech. overground building
надземные сооружения
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Occupational health & safety1