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gen. distil
fig. occasion; arouse; inspire
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gen. boredom

verb | verb | to phrases
нагонять vstresses
gen. distil (a quantity of); fit; herd together; bore; overhaul; catch up; make up; come up (кого-либо); fetch up; gain on; ride down; gain upon; make up time (Ex: The train made up time on the journey. МарияКрас); get back up to speed (Taras); close in on (come nearer to someone being pursued: "the police were closing in on them" (Oxford Dictionary): As a member of the US Coast Guard, he was stationed between Hawaii and Japan during July-August 1969. On a deck watch on the ship bridge, he was alerted that targets were closing in on the ship, flying in formation at a staggering 3,500 mph (picked up on radar). They saw three bright white objects that flew above the vessel and then disappeared over the horizon. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); precipitate (внушать какое-либо чувство: precipitate a horror Abysslooker); overtake; reach; catch up to; make up for; drive together; gather together; blow up (напр., плохую погоду); catch up with (sth.); come up with
Gruzovik overtake; drive (impf of нагнать); drive together; herd together (impf of нагнать); fit (impf of нагнать)
fig. occasion; arouse; inspire
fish.farm. pile (dimock)
Gruzovik, acl. distil a quantity of (impf of нагнать)
Gruzovik, dog. train dogs to hunt an animal (pf of наганивать)
Gruzovik, fig. inspire (impf of нагнать); arouse (impf of нагнать); occasion (impf of нагнать)
Gruzovik, inf. increase (impf of нагнать); raise (impf of нагнать); inflate (impf of нагнать); accumulate (impf of нагнать); amass (impf of нагнать); build up as a result of training or exercises (impf of нагнать); develop as a result of training or exercises (impf of нагнать)
inf. inflate; accumulate; amass; build up; develop (as a result of training or exercises); increase; raise; cause; evoke (fear, boredom, drowsiness, etc.)
Makarov. catch up on; catch up with; come up (кого-либо что-либо); come up with (кого-либо что-либо); draw level with; drive on
Makarov., sport. draw on; draw upon
nautic. draw near
ocean. pile up (воду)
sport. draw (on, upon); draw on/upon
sport., Makarov. draw on, upon
нагоняться v
gen. amass; arouse; catch up (with); drive on; fit; make up (for); overtake
fig. occasion; inspire
Gruzovik, inf. run a lot; get tired of running
inf. accumulate; get tired of running; run (a lot)
нагоняющий: 91 phrases in 16 subjects
Armored vehicles1
Bookish / literary1
Oil / petroleum1