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навороченный prtc.stresses
gen. sophisticated (domestos); gimmicky (felog); schmancy (сочный Artjaazz); with extra gadgets (о каком-либо оборудовании, технике; источник dimock); curly (Bartek2001)
Игорь Миг elaborate
amer. tricked out (mockerin); on steroids (slang; a more impressive version: a Humvee on steriods Val_Ships)
austral. fully sick (Yokky)
black.sl. thugged out (Lu4ik)
context. tight (suburbian)
idiom. with every bell and whistle (о машине, гаджете Гевар); with all the bells and whistles (о машине, гаджете Гевар)
inf. feature-packed (alemaster); elaborate (Aly19); all-singing, all-dancing (boggler); fancy (it's basically just a fancy solenoid Pickman); schicki-micki (Andrey Truhachev); souped-up (Баян); advanced (sankozh)
slang hardball (mazurov); featured (Adrax); chopped (chopper – тюнингованный или собранный с нуля мотоцикл Pickman); shmancy (Andrey Truhachev); much-vaunted (When Tesla bought a decommissioned car factory in Fremont, California, Elon Musk transformed the old-fashioned, unionized plant into a much-vaunted "factory of the future" shapker)
наворотить v
gen. roll on; roll upon; wind (round); heap
dial. cloud; eat heartily; overcast
Gruzovik, slang defecate (pf of наворачивать)
inf. be in charge (of); drive against (while turning); heap up; load (with); manage; pile up (также перен.); run (needs an example to clarify the choice ART Vancouver); mess up (We need to fix everything that was messed up by ex-mayor and his team. ART Vancouver); wind (with на + acc., onto)
Makarov. pile up
vulg., brit. bollocks
навороченная prtc.
slang fussy (mazurov)
: 10 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Information technology1