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навлечь на себя гневstresses
gen. draw the ire (Careful, you don't want to draw the ire of Reginald and the other right-wing trolls who are anxious to put down any progressive ideas that might challenge their entitled white-boy, SUV-driving, women-in-their-place, fossil-fuel-burning, father-knows-best ideologies. (a comment to a newspaper article) ART Vancouver); bring down anger on oneself; stir up a wasps' nest; anger (ART Vancouver)
Makarov. stick out one's neck (и т. п.); stir up a hornets' nest
навлечь на себя чей-либо гнев
gen. draw down anger on oneself
Makarov. draw down someone's anger on oneself; incur someone's displeasure
навлечь на себя гнев
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects