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набежать vstresses
gen. flow; gather (of wind); invade; dash against; drop in (at); encounter; fall upon; look in (at); raid; run in; run into; spring up; surge (towards); accumulate (о деньгах и т.п.); run over (о волне kee46); cover (о волне kee46); run; run against; smash into; blow up (of wind); sweep over (of waves); wash over
Gruzovik run against; of liquids flow into (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); run into (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); dash against; encounter (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); of liquids flow in (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); of liquids run in (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); surge (towards); of wind spring up (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); fall upon (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); invade; drop in at (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть); look in at/on (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть)
fig. wash over (подобно волнам Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, fig. of money, etc accumulate (набежа́ть; pf of набега́ть)
Gruzovik, inf. ruck up (become wrinkled or drawn together); congregate; come running together
idiom. come out of the woodwork (отовсюду: When you have a hit people always come out of the woodwork and try to claim it. • If you try to lose weight, people will come out of the woodwork to offer advice. 4uzhoj)
idiom., disappr. get in on the act (4uzhoj)
inf. leave tracks; come running (What a smell! I wonder why wild dogs didnt come running.); congregate; run till; train a horse to run; come running (together); appear suddenly; turn up suddenly; of many people come running; accumulate; pile up
Makarov. run into (of liquid; о жидкости); spring up (о ветре и т. п.)
math. over-run; etc.; overfill
nautic. strike (на камень, на мель)
notar. accrue (e.g., speaking of taxes or interest); accumulate (e.g., speaking of taxes or interest)
sail. ramp
: 20 phrases in 8 subjects
Notarial practice2