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gen. quibble; make a distinction without a difference; оverintellectualize (Vic_Ber); overthink (Liv Bliss); be fancy (VLZ_58); trick; overanalyze (it/things VLZ_58); make something more complicated than it is (Why make it more complicated than it is? Just put the issue up to vote and resolve the conflict peacefully. george serebryakov); subtilize; make matters unnecessarily complicated
Игорь Миг overcomplicate; rack one's brains; philosophize; split hairs; complicate matters unnecessarily; scheme; use cunning; contrive artfully
amer. make much ado about nothing (Maggie); make more of something than there is (Maggie)
inf. complicate matters unnecessarily; contrive artfully; philosophize; scheme; use cunning; get cute (I thought we played pretty well until their third goal, and that really deflated us too much," he said. "You can't get that down in that situation. After that, we started trying to get cute instead of working for good shots. VLZ_58); split hairs
Makarov. subtilize upon
slang get fancy (Andy)
мудрено́ prtc.
Gruzovik subtly; ingeniously; it is hard; it is difficult
мудрено prtc.
gen. it is difficult; ingeniously
мудрила v
Gruzovik, inf. wiseacre (masc and fem)
: 16 phrases in 6 subjects