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моральный вредstresses
gen. psychological damage (Alexander Demidov); emotional damages (law.com Tanya Gesse); pain and suffering (some contexts wikipedia.org Tanya Gesse); mental anguish (Mental suffering. In some cases, damages may be awarded for mental anguish even though no physical injury is present. Found on (n) Mental Anguish is the mental suffering like fear, anxiety, depression, grief etc faced by a person during an event, period , action or situation. A person can claim damages for mental anguish if it was logically connected to the incident. Eg. Seeing the killing of a loved one. Found on – АД glossarycentral.com, legal-explanations.com); mental anguish (Mental suffering. In some cases, damages may be awarded for mental anguish even though no physical injury is present. Found on (n) Mental Anguish is the mental suffering like fear, anxiety, depression, grief etc faced by a person during an event, period , action or situation. A person can claim damages for mental anguish if it was logically connected to the incident. Eg. Seeing the killing of a loved one. Found on glossarycentral.com, legal-explanations.com Alexander Demidov)
law moral harm (Delilah); non-pecuniary damage (The Court held that the finding of a violation [of Article 6 § 1 and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1] constituted in itself sufficient just satisfaction for the non-pecuniary damage sustained by the applicant in the case of Kletsova. ECHR Alexander Demidov); non-economic damages (NBC News Alex_Odeychuk); pain, suffering and loss of amenity (нравственные или физические страдания, причиненные действиями или бездействием, посягающими на принадлежащие гражданину от рождения или в силу закона нематериальные блага, или нарушающими его личные неимущественные права либо нарушающими имущественные права гражданина Alex_Odeychuk); aggravation (mtovbin); moral damage (Moscow Cat)
моральный вред an increasingly popular basis for a claim of damages in lawsuits for injury due to the negligence or intentional acts of another. Originally damages for emotional distress were only awardable in conjunction with damages for actual physical harm. Recently courts in many states, including New York and California, have recognized a right to an award of money damages for emotional distress without physical injury or contact. In sexual harassment claims, emotional distress can be the major, or even only, harmful result. In most jurisdictions, emotional distress cannot be claimed for breach of contract or other business activity, but can be alleged in cases of libel and slander. Evidentiary problems include the fact that such distress is easily feigned or exaggerated, and professional testimony by a therapist or psychiatrist may be required to validate the existence and depth of the distress and place a dollar value upon it. (See: damages) Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill.
gen. emotional distress (Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
моральный вред
gen. в праве - см. моральный ущерб Большой Энциклопедический словарь
морального вреда
: 32 phrases in 4 subjects