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молодчина nstresses
gen. good boy (Anglophile); toff; attaboy!; good lad!; that's my boy!; that's my girl!; well done!; good sport (Anglophile); trooper (Returning to the burning building, Main and Robertson found another woman inside a smoky second-storey suite and walked her to safety outside. "I spoke to her after, and what a trooper she was. She was having a cigarette and saying she was fine," O'Riordan said. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
amer. whiz
Gruzovik, inf. fine fellow (= молодчага); fine gal (= молодчага); good gal (= молодчага); good fellow (= молодчага)
inf. brick; attaboy! (Anglophile); atta girl (о девушке AlesyaSparrow); good fellow; crackerjack (Andrey Truhachev)
irish.lang. a broth of a boy (преим. ирл. Bobrovska)
obs. bawcock
slang confetti; thatta girl (Deska); the man (TarasZ); tough cookie (уважительно: "Did Princess Anne show up?" "She’s by far and has always been the hardest working Royal. She is certainly one tough cookie!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
молодчина! n
gen. 'at-a-boy! (friendly encouragement ART Vancouver); good girl! (Mpa3b); excellent job! (реакция на результат: Excellent job! -- Молодчина! ART Vancouver)
humor. good egg! (British English ART Vancouver)
inf. attagirl! (к девочке); Atta boy! (Andrey Truhachev)
UK, inf. good egg!
 Russian thesaurus
молодчина n
inf. молодец
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects