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многоводье nstresses
gen. high water level; time of high water level
agric. water abundance
fish.farm. abundance of water (dimock)
Gruzovik, gynecol. hydramnios (a condition in which excess amniotic fluid accumulates during pregnancy)
Gruzovik, hydrol. high water level; time of high water level
hydr. excess water
hydrol. flood season
Makarov. surplus of ater
med. hydramnious
tech. surplus of water; surplus water
многоводие n
Gruzovik abundance of water
Gruzovik, med. hydramniosis
med. fetal hydrops; dropsy of amnion; hydroamniosis (mufasa); hydramnious
med., gynecol. hydramnion; hydramnios
med., obst. polyhydramnios
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