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verb | verb | to phrases
минировать vstresses
gen. sap (стену, скалу); undermine; mine
Gruzovik, mil. mine (impf of заминировать)
Makarov. lay a minefield
mil. sow mines
mil., lingo plant cabbage (MichaelBurov); sow cabbage (MichaelBurov)
mil., navy close by mining (пролив, порт: The Reagan Administration moved to correct the problem with a program to build 31 mine hunters and minesweepers. It did so amid repeated warnings by naval experts that strategic waters, including those of the Persian Gulf, were especially vulnerable to being closed by mining. nytimes.com)
mil., tech. employ mines; lay a minefield (местность); seed with mines; sow a minefield (местность)
tech. lay mines; plant mines
минироваться v
mil., nautic. lay mines; mine; plant mines
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects