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милый nstresses
gen. heart dear
Gruzovik dear
obs. ingle; lieve
милый adj.
gen. nice; darling; sweet; agreeable; cute; lovable; honey; likable; likeable; pleasant; sugar; dear heart; lovesome; endearing; pretty; kind; my dear; amiable; loveable; bonnie; bonny; sweetheart (Secretary); hun (от слова honey joker4171); gracious (Notburga); ducky; adorable (sissoko); bunny; graceful; cunning; blessed; blest; engaging; gent; gentle; gracious; quaint (Boris Gorelik); cuddly (Taras); love (suburbian); funny (Алексе); sweetheart; tender; welcome; sweety (Peri); baby (Alex_Odeychuk); neighborly (Cooking a meal for the elderly is very neighborly. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik affable
Игорь Миг personable (в общении); genteel
amer. lovely
austral., slang buggalugs; buggerlugs
context. good
dimin. heart; honeysweet; sweetie pie (Andrey Truhachev)
emph., ironic. topping
inf. decent; bumbly (но неуклюжий chronik); lovey (Taras); honey bun (Andrey Truhachev); cuddlesome (cuddly-synonyms cuddlesome: cuddly toy wiktionary.org Andrey Truhachev); cuddly (cuddly-synonyms cuddlesome: cuddly toy wiktionary.org Andrey Truhachev); sweet pea (VLZ_58)
inf., slang spooney; spoony
irish.lang. janey (не только как прил., но и как обращение Janey, I've just had an attempt on my life Андрей Шагин)
ironic., Scotl. somebody
Makarov. sweet (обращение)
maor. kapai
obs. trim; lief; miniard; minionlike; minionly
poetic life
scottish hinny; china (in Glasgow a "china" is someone who is precious to you, someone to be treasured, much like a fine piece of porcelain china. It's often used by grandparents towards young children or between two working men. It is a very specific term, because it can be sweet, but it's also very common/rough. It's a shorthanded, indirect way of letting someone know they are precious to you, without ever needing to say the phrase, 'I care for you very much." КГА)
slang sweet heart; sweetie; sweetie-pie; sweets; bae (милая; or: a shortened version of babe Artjaazz)
милая adj.
gen. dear heart; dear; hinny; dear heart (в обращении); old girl; sweet heart (в обращении); sweetheart; bunny; girl (в обращении); honey; sweety (Peri)
derog. old girl (в обращении не только к женщине, но к кобыле и т.п.)
inf. honey bun (Andrey Truhachev); baby girl (по отношению к любимой девушке (what's wrong, baby girl?) Tion)
ironic. somebody
ital. carissima
slang sugar; sweetie; sweetie-pie (обращение); sweets (обращение)
милое adj.
gen. honey drop
Makarov. honey-drop
г. Милы adj.
geogr., hist. Mylae (о. Сицилия)
 Russian thesaurus
Милы adj.
gen. древний город в Сев. Сицилии. Ок. Мил в 260 до н. э. римский флот впервые разбил карфагенский флот в 1-й Пунической войне. В 36 до н. э. при Милах флот Октавиана разбил флот Секста Помпея.
: 223 phrases in 16 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Chat and Internet slang1
Obsolete / dated4
Poetry terminology1
Quotes and aphorisms1