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методы увеличения нефтеотдачиstresses
gen. advanced recovery method (Ksylena)
O&G enhanced oil recovery methods (felog); advanced recovery methods (MichaelBurov); improved oil recovery (Motivator); enhanced oil recovery (MichaelBurov)
O&G, oilfield. oil recovery enhancement (igisheva); tertiary oil recovery (igisheva); enhanced oil recovery techniques ("Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques can significantly extend global oil reserves once oil prices are high enough to make these techniques economic." A. Muggeridge – 2014 ART Vancouver)
метод увеличения нефтеотдачи
O&G. tech. advanced recovery method
методы увеличения нефтеотдачи
: 23 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil / petroleum5
Oil and gas14
Oil and gas technology3