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мерзавец nstresses
gen. rascal; blackguard; scamp; heel; scum; vagabond; nithing; hound; infamous dog ($bella$); slimeball (Alexander Demidov); villain (Andrew Jameson); ruffian (Liv Bliss); scumbag (VLZ_58); rogue; scoundrel; bugger (в шутку о человеке, который вам на самом деле нравится: The poor little bugger got an awful shock vogeler); creep show (Taras); reprehensible (Bartek2001)
Игорь Миг bastard; piece of shit; jerkoff; lowlife
amer. skell (Taras)
brit. bugger
contempt. sleazebag (He tried to pick up every girl in the room, and they were all young enough to be his daughters. What a sleazebag! vogeler)
fant./sci-fi. sleemo (Taras)
fig.of.sp. dirty bum
Gruzovik, inf. good-for-nothing
hindi badmash (Hinglish Aly19)
inf. creep (ART Vancouver); lousy guy (Andrey Truhachev); piece of trash (Taras); swipe (george serebryakov); scumpig (a low, despicable person Taras); scum-pig (Taras)
invect. nasty son of a bitch (Taras); cocksucker (Taras)
obs. scab
relig. bezonian
rude son of a bitch; git
slang clutch; scut; pond Scum; ding-donger; polecat; prick; rat; rotter; heavy (Interex); slimebag (Taras); blaggard (zdra); dirtball (vogeler); bitchhead (Bitchhead is the kind way of insulting someone you don't like, in the most special of ways.: Chad: Dude, your shoes are complete trash! Josh: Shut up bitchhead! MikeMirgorodskiy)
vulg. tosser (Taras); shithead (a stupid, unpleasant, and unpopular person (Cambridge Dictionary): Hey Mr. Mayor, once again thank you for your leadership! Great job where people in your city get mugged in the middle of the day! Time to fight back. Can't let these shitheads take over the city! ART Vancouver)
мерзавцы n
gen. sleazy people (When people read 50 years from now about the great COVID-19 panic of 2020 (hopefully that's the only year involved), my hope is that it will be about how people pulled together to get through this crisis. My hope is that a few sleazy people who have been profiting off of the crisis are mere footnotes in a time of triumph over adversity. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
amer. sons of bitches (Val_Ships); sons of a bitches (I would bomb the living daylights out of these sons of bitches. Val_Ships)
: 22 phrases in 7 subjects
Figure of speech2