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маркет мейкерstresses
st.exch. market maker (An individual or entity that stands ready to buy or sell financial instruments at all times. Market makers quote both a bid and an offer price to the market. Market makers provide liquidity to markets. They profit from the spread between bid and offer prices as well as from changes in market prices. Market makers adjust their bid or offer prices depending upon positions that they hold and/or upon their outlook for changes in prices. American Banker Glossary. 1) Any intermediary who creates a market for a financial obligation. 2) A dealer in securities on the London Stock Exchange who undertakes to buy and sell securities as a principal and is therefore obliged to announce buying and selling prices for a particular security at a particular time. Before October 1986 (see Big Bang) this function was performed by a stockjobber, who was then obliged to deal with the public through a stockbroker Since that date market makers have combined dealing in securities as principals with acting as agents, working for a commission. While this dual role may create a conflict of interest for market makers (see Chinese wall; front running), it avoids the restrictive trade practice of the former system and reduces the cost of dealing in the market. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
gen. marketmaker (n the jargon of the Stock Exchange after big bang, a broker-dealer who deals in wholesale buying and selling, guaranteeing to make a market in a given stock; essentially the same thing as a stock-jobber before Big Bang. Marketmakers are obliged to deal at the price shown on their screens. The Times 20 Oct. 1986, p. 25. ONW Alexander Demidov); market maker (a company or person that deals in shares, bonds, etc. and agrees to buy and sell particular shares at specific prices: The investor buys through a broker who completes the transaction through a market-maker. • A couple of market-makers were caught short of stock • Market-Makers or trading houses like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs Alexander Demidov)
st.exch. market maker (Федеральный закон от 21 ноября 2011 г. N 325-ФЗ – "Об организованных торгах": маркет-мейкер – участник торгов, который на основании договора, одной из сторон которого является организатор торговли, принимает на себя обязательства по поддержанию цен, спроса, предложения и (или) объёма торгов финансовыми инструментами, иностранной валютой и (или) товаром на условиях, установленных таким договором)
маркет мейкер
: 27 phrases in 7 subjects
American stock exchange2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3
Stock Exchange8