
   Russian English
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gen. people; men; the humans; individuals; folk; the sons of men
inf. coll. folks
| занимающиеся
chem. taking up
| усовершенствованием
gen. improvement
| своих
gen. peculiar
| автомобилей
gen. auto
| и
gen. and
| навыков вождения
 навыки вождения
gen. driving skills
| с целью
 с целью
el. on purpose
| сокращения
gen. acronym
| потр
med. POV
- only individual words found

to phrases
люди nstresses
человечество; подручные
gen. people (употр. как мн. ч. от person); men; the humans (в противоположность животным или машинам); individuals (MichaelBurov); folk; the sons of men; men and women; mankind; human beings (ед.ч. – a human being = человек (а не некое *существо*): We're human beings, not "resources". • "Babies, like all human beings, come with abilities to detect the emotions of sadness and anger, as well as the emotions of joy and pleasure." (Dr. Tom Boyce) ART Vancouver); many
Игорь Миг the general public
AIDS. people who were tested for viral load and were found to be virally suppressed; people living with HIV who were tested for viral load and were found to be virally suppressed (стандартный индикатор)
amer., uncom. menfolk
clin.trial. human subjects
Gruzovik, ling. Slavonic name of the letter л (indecl); fifty numerical value 50 in Glagolitic alphabet; thirty numerical value 30 in Cyrillic script
Gruzovik, obs. servants (в знач. "слуги")
inf. henchmen (в знач. "подчиненные главаря банды": Michael and Trevor are exiled from Los Santos and will get attacked by Madrazzo's henchmen if they enter. – ...люди Мадраццо... 4uzhoj)
inf., coll. folks
med. people
mil. personnel (в знач. "личный состав": Bravo just lost another five Marines on the 6th of March as we watched a C-123 get shot down, which was also carrying fifty-two other personnel. 4uzhoj); civilians (в знач. "гражданские")
mil., lingo pax (in military jargon "pax" are people Nu Zdravstvuy)
obs. lede (FixControl); meine; meiny
slang peeps (people, especially friends, colleagues or people that you are addressing in a group email, blog, etc.: So what do you think, peeps? • Thank you to all the lovely peeps I met last night. Natalia D); Tom, Dick and Harry
slang, coll. peeps
Люди n
relig. Mankind (The 114th surah of the Glorious Qur'an; 114-я сура Священного Корана); Nas (114-я сура Корана)
"люди" n
el. people (акроним Internet)
люди , занимающиеся усовершенствованием своих автомобилей и навыков вождения с целью сокращения: 1 phrase in 1 subject
American usage, not spelling1