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gen. put on an act (Anglophile); play act; try to fool (someone Anglophile)
Игорь Миг play a double game
amer., inf. put on a show
contempt. ham ("What's the most you ever made on a single job?" "Eight-fifty." "Jesus, how cheap can a guy get?" "Stop hamming and tell me what you want." (Raymond Chandler) – Перестань ломать комедию ART Vancouver)
derog. play-act
idiom. keep up the travesty (You'd keep up the travesty longer, but even you don't have the stomach for it. VLZ_58)
inf. put up a fuss (Andrey Truhachev); kick up a fuss (Andrey Truhachev); make a fuss (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov., derog. play-act (часто)
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: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1