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gen. bunk; turn in; go to bed; go to rest; go to roost; retire to rest
inf. tumble in
| и
gen. and
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gen. stand up
| каждый день
 каждый день
gen. daily
| в одно и то же время
 в одно и то же время
gen. at the same point of time

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gen. bunk; turn in; go to bed; go to rest; go to roost; retire to rest; retire; go to one's dreams; retire for the night; seek bed; climb the little wooden hill ("little wooden hill" в переносном смысле – деревянная лестница, ведущая в спальни, расположенные, как правило, на втором этаже дома Anglophile); kip down; retire to bed; kip; head to bed (Sorry, can't be done. We're heading to bed pretty soon. – Мы уже скоро ложимся спать. ART Vancouver); lie down for the night (4uzhoj); get to bed
amer. knock out (To go to sleep. Mainly said in reference to a full nights rest, 7 or more hours: Hey man, I'm about to knock out. Laters. Taras)
child. go beddy-byes (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom. call it a night (To go to bed to sleep. Interex)
inf. tumble in; doss down (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., explan. hit the sack
Makarov. go to kip; go to sleep; seek one's bed; bunk down; bunk it
mil., lingo hit the hay (MichaelBurov)
nautic., jarg. peak flukes
slang caulk off; roll in; sack (out); cork it off (Procto); calk off (MichaelBurov); turn in (OK, boys, I'm pretty tired today, so gonna turn in right now. == Ну ладно, ребята, сегодня я прилично устал, так что пойду посплю.); sack in (MichaelBurov); sack off (MichaelBurov)
slang, brit. go to Bedfordshire (up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire chelsey rodgers)
subl. go to dreams
ложиться спать: 102 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Obsolete / dated2