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gen. license
el. licence
law license
gen. subject to licensing
busin. licenceable; licenseable; licensable; licensed

to phrases
лицензируемый prtc.stresses
gen. subject to licensing (Alexander Demidov)
busin. licenceable (MichaelBurov); licenseable (<не рек., common misspelling> MichaelBurov); licensable (<рек.> MichaelBurov); licensed (MichaelBurov)
patents. licensable
лицензировать v
gen. license (1. Allow, give permission to, (a person) to do, that; permit or allow (a thing) to be done. Now rare. LME. A. W. Kinglake Lord Stratford was licensed to do no more than send a message to an Admiral. 2. a. Grant (a person) a licence or formal permission for, to do; grant formal permission for, authorize, (an action or practice). LME. M. Pattison A patent of Henry II..licenses the sale of Rhenish wine. V. S. Naipaul A little notice said that Beharry was licensed to sell spirituous liquors. Which? The Council ensures that all conveyances it licenses, have met its professional requirements. b. Authorize the publication of (a book) or the performance of (a play). E17. c. Authorize the use of (a thing, esp. premises) for a specific purpose. L18. M. E. Braddon In which there is..not even a cottage licensed for the sale of ale. J. le Carre An old..hotel with a lift licensed for three persons at a time. SOED Alexander Demidov)
el. licence
law license
: 26 phrases in 12 subjects
Energy industry1
Gold mining4
Information technology1
Mass media3
Measuring instruments1
Oil / petroleum1