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gen. get off cheap; get off lightly; get off with a scratch or two; walk away from (почти не пострадать при аварии); get off easy; escape with life and limb; walk away from
fig. make good one's retreat
idiom. get off with a slap on the wrist (Apparently the judge believed him, because he got off with a slap on the wrist: six months probation and a fifty dollar fine. 4uzhoj); get away with a black eye (Andrey Truhachev); come off cheap
inf. get off cheaply (Three hundred bucks? I'd say you got off cheaply. – вы легко отделались ART Vancouver); get away (with; от чего-либо Serge R); have a lucky escape (bellb1rd)
Makarov. get off cheaply
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gen. get off with a scratch; get off light
легко отделаться
: 10 phrases in 2 subjects