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кстати adv.stresses
если уж на то пошло; прийтись кстати; кстати говоря
gen. opportune; besides; as well; incidentally; fitty; by the bye; in the nick of time; to the point; to the purpose; at a good hour; that reminds me (Anglophile); passingly; talking of; on a side note (kadzeno); while I think of it (В.И.Макаров); I might add (Kisa630); beeteedubbs (от сокращения BTW mariana22); convenient (в контексте, напр., "His arrival was very convenient for the firm" Рина Грант); on a related note (в начале предложения Miha4406); pat; by the by; in fact (bookworm); in season; speaking of which (в знач. "кстати говоря, к слову": Hard to believe on an empty stomach. Speaking of which, let's get you people something to eat. • Your trip to the US is coming soon. Speaking of which, you should sign up for an English class to brush up your English. 4uzhoj); by the way; actually (April May); now then (suburbian); come to think of it (Taras); in the meantime (Побеdа); apropos; aptly; it is expedient; speak home to the point; meetly; well timed; timely; while you're at it; advisably; appositely; seasonably; pertinently; at odd moments; at odd times; between this and that; in passing
Gruzovik at the right moment; opportunely
Игорь Миг as it happens
adv. the purpose
context. actually (amorgen)
fr. apropos (вовремя; at an opportune time: Your letter arrived apropos.)
inf. come to think of it (=I just remembered: Come to think of it, I know someone who can help. • I have a screwdriver in the trunk of my car, come to think of it. Interex); speaking of (о ком-либо, чем-либо Mr. Wolf); hey; appropriate (Abysslooker)
lat. ad hoc (kee46)
Makarov. to the point (к месту)
math. at the same time; a propos
obs. fitly; patly; ripely
relig. featly
slang Johnny on the spot (a compound noun or adjective)
"кстати" adv.
el. by the way (акроним Internet)
: 159 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
British usage, not spelling2
Cliche / convention1
Contextual meaning1
Obsolete / dated1