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gen. short; transient; short-run; short-time; flashy; brief
| последовательное
gen. consistent
| воспроизведение
gen. reproduction
| начальных участков
 начальный участок
astronaut. breech end
| всех
gen. everyone
| записанных на
 записать на
comp. write to
| носителе
gen. bearer
| фраг
comp.games. frag
- only individual words found

to phrases
кратковременный adj.stresses
gen. short; transient; short-run; short-time; flashy; brief (Andrew Goff); impermanent (Aly19); short-range; taking a comparatively short time; minute (Arroganz); fugacious; faddish (об увлечении, моде и т.д.); passing; transit; momentary; ephemeric; momentaneous
Игорь Миг time-limited
account. of short duration; short-range
agric. ephemeral
astronaut. short time
bot. short-lived (лат. fugax)
chem. acute (эффект, воздействие Eurochem)
comp., net. short-form
construct. momentary (напр., о воздействии)
ecol. temporary (о стадии сукцессии); transitory (о стадии сукцессии)
econ. short-dated; small; fleeting (Alex_Odeychuk)
hi-fi transient (короткий по продолжительности звук, часто высокого уровня. Звук малого барабана – пример кратковременного звука)
libr. newspapery
Makarov. impulse; momentary (мгновенный); nondurable; instantaneous (мгновенный)
math. short-period
med. short-term; transitory
meteorol. intermittent
obs. momentany
oil short-duration
progr. short duration (ssn)
qual.cont. short-life; short-lived
кратковременно adv.
gen. momentarily (oleg.vigodsky); briefly (Beloshapkina); momently; for a brief span of time (What was this thing? The creature was only ever seen in the area of Matsudo and only for a brief span of time, leaving the impression that whatever it was it was probably only a passing visitor. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
account. in the short run
avia., radio intermittent (Leonid Dzhepko)
combust. brief acceleration
horticult. ephemerally (о популяции typist)
tech. short moment
кратковременное последовательное воспроизведение начальных участков всех записанных на носителе: 2 phrases in 1 subject