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коэффициент усиления по мощности
 коэффициент усиления по мощности
astr. gain of antenna; gain of aerial; directive gain
el. P.G.; PG
microel. power amplification factor
scient. Gp
tech. power amplification ratio; power amplification; power gain
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| схеме с общей базой
 схема с общей базой
tech. common-base circuit

to phrases
коэффициент усиления по мощностиstresses
astr. gain of antenna; gain of aerial; directive gain; aerial power gain
el. P.G.; PG
Gruzovik, scient. Gp (power gain)
microel. power amplification factor
tech. power amplification ratio; power amplification; power gain
telecom. power amplification coefficient
коэффициент усиления по мощности
: 12 phrases in 3 subjects
Mass media1