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конец – делу венецstresses
lat. finis coronat opus
proverb the end crowns the work all's well that ends well; all's well that ends well; the end crowns the work; the best payment is on the peck bottom; here the hare went or goes away; there the hare went or goes away; the end crowns the work (дословно: Конец венчает дело)
конец - делу венец
gen. the end is the crown of any affair; the end is the crown of any work
"Конец-делу венец"
lit. All's Well That Ends Well (драма Шекспира)
"Конец —делу венец"
lit. All's Well That Ends Well (1603, Уильям Шекспир)
конец - делу венец: 13 phrases in 3 subjects